the accelerated growth program™
Reality Check
Essential Truth
Task Force Plan -
Task Force Plan
Implementation -
Task Force
Recommendations -
Measurement & Course Corrections
- [1] reality check
DescriptionWe have candid, comprehensive, confidential conversations with your key stakeholders and present our analysis (your successes, challenges and recommendations).
BenefitsYou discover blind spots in your operations that are holding your business back as well as golden nuggets that are great opportunities to build your business.
You discover things you were unaware of and things that you thought were clear but are not clear to your employees.
- [2] essential truth
DescriptionWe lead you and your key decision makers in defining who you are as an organization – your Essential Truth – which will ultimately guide the way you operate and communicate.
BenefitsYour Essential Truth becomes your organization’s operating principle and strategic filter that guides every decision that every employee makes and every action they take.
Your Essential Truth acts as your compass to align and galvanize your team at a deeper level – to take your organization to the next level of success.
- [3] employee task force plan
DescriptionWe help you create your internal “Executive Implementation Team” to oversee the entire Task Force initiative.
In conjunction with your Executive Implementation Team, we create your Employee Task Force Plan, including recommended task forces and an online management process.
We create and deliver orientation sessions to your internal stakeholders to communicate the overall process, our findings to date, and the Task Force Plan. It builds buy-in from the top down and the inside out.
BenefitsWe help you to engage your employees through compelling clarity, transparency and communication, and invite their creativity to make your organization even stronger.
- [4] task force plan implementation
DescriptionWe coordinate the launch of your employee task forces and facilitate each committee’s first meeting to set them up for future success.
BenefitsYou get a sustainable infrastructure to drive employee engagement, innovation and growth.
- [5] task force recommendations
DescriptionWe lead your Executive Implementation Team in reviewing and approving the recommendations from each of the task forces.
We create a High-level Action Plan incorporating all of the approved recommendations to ensure alignment, coordination and communication with all task forces.
BenefitsYour Action Plan acts as your road map to accelerated growth, with your Essential Truth acting as your compass.
Your employees will be more involved, more satisfied and more engaged – creating, innovating and thriving at a much higher level.
- [6] measurement & course corrections
DescriptionWe lead your Executive Implementation Team to ensure continual follow-up and communication.
We define key success factors, measure them throughout the process, and make any necessary course corrections.
BenefitsWe manage the ongoing review, approval, coordination, alignment and communication of all employee task force recommendations so your organization is set up for continuous improvement and extraordinary results.
You receive ongoing coaching to ensure long-term growth and sustainability.